

Personal Power


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Personal Power

Perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae. Ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut.


There are many ways to store power. You can visit places of power, special locations on the earth that are charged with power. You can be around powerful people. You can read the writings, listen to the tapes or read about beings of power. In other words, anything that puts you in touch with power, exercise, certain types of food, fasting, breaking up routines, specific ways of dreaming, certain ways of looking at life, there are many, many ways to shift one’s attention, to be more or less powerful.

Power has destroyed many people, not really. Power doesn’t destroy anyone. People apply it poorly and it can ruin their lives. Power is like fire. Fire is neither good nor bad. It’s how you use it.

There are two ways to increase energy. One is avoiding loss, the other is learning how to gain it.

Meditate on your own and refine your consciousness, tighten up your life, constantly examine your life and examine your weak points. You know what’s going on in your life. You can draw power from everything in your life. In order to do that, everything has to be set up in a proper way. Turn your life into a field of power and energy to draw from. We may have tiny little room that we rent, and if we keep it clean and it’s impeccable, then we gain power from that.

Take your energy, instead of losing it in all the hassles and all the little battles you could have fought with opponents who didn’t matter. You must have tremendous power of focus to direct your life and not allow all these variant forces, different vibrations, to enter you. You have got to get your power up and do something and not just sit around. Always be optimistic. Always be positive! And ignore those who aren’t because they’re obviously out of touch with light.

You need to constantly examine your life, inner and outter, to se where you are losing and gaining power. Your life either takes your energy or gives you energy. Set up your life so that it gives you energy. Avoid things in life that take away from your stillness. Find things that add to that stillness. Bring them more into your life. It doesn’t matter what works or doesn’t. It is all individual.

It’s necessary to do a very thorough examination of your life and to discover whether the people in your life, no matter how much you love them, are using you or abusing you. Make lists. Write down the things that give you power. Write down the things that take your power away also. Make lists of people close to you. Are your associations raising you to a higher energy level of attention?