
Mindfulness, Personal Power & Happiness

Meditation should always be practiced with love.



Mindfulness is the practice of monitoring your thoughts, emotions, and surroundings. It is to become fully present and aware of our inner state and how we’re using our energy and being influenced by energy around us. Everyone possesses the ability to become mindful and it is highly transformational and easy to learn. A strong meditation and mindfulness practice leads to more happiness, personal power and success in life.

Mindfulness is gaining control over your mind.

It’s as important to monitor your mind constantly as it is to sit down and meditate. We go through life picking up thoughts, impressions, and ideas from our surrounding environment constantly. As you develop your inner wisdom and become more aware, you will begin to see this more and more and learn to discern between what’s yours and what isn’t. You’ll begin to realize how much of what you think and feel is actually not truly you.


An example of this scenario is the following… One morning you wake up, have weird dreams but don’t remember what they were. You skip your morning meditation because you woke up late and need to rush to the office. On the way to work you get a text from your friend reminding your weekend trip.  


Impressions & Conditioning

There’s an art, naturally, or a science, or both, maybe it’s the same, to gaining power. And to be honest with you, there’s a natural force or inclination in all of our beings to accumulate power. The problem that we come into is conditioning, our own conditioning and the conditioning of others. Now listen carefully. This sounds simple but it’s very complex. It runs deep into the psyche. When you were born, you were free. Your attention field, your awareness is not yet formed. Your attention field is the sum total of your experiences from other lives, yes, but yet, it is not conditioned. It is not fully manifested as a seed. Within the seed is the tree. Yet if we know seeds, we can look at a particular seed and say, “This will grow into an apple tree, this will grow into an oak tree, this will grow into an orange tree”. The entire tree is contained in the seed. Some seeds will never germinate. But if the proper conditions are provided, they will. So, when you were born, you were a seed. You were the seed of your past experiences and actions in other theaters of existence, in other worlds, in other lives. Those lives are gone, for all intents and purposes. But yet, you are the seed, and if the seed is planted in the right ground, it will grow. And one who can see can look at a child and say, “Yes, I can see the evolution of this child and what this child will grow into when it is mature”. The child may not outwardly evidence any of those traits or characteristics yet, but one who sees looks through the physical and temporal and can tell you the potential of a child. Well, of course, I do the same thing. As a seer, I naturally can see the evolutionary potential of a being. But the potential will not necessarily be actualized. A particular being will not necessarily realize their full height. If we plant an orange tree in a cold climate, it won’t grow. Or it will grow for a while and then die. If we plant a tree in too much shade, if there are other big trees around it and it doesn’t get enough light, it will grow, but it may never bear fruit. So conditions are important, conditioning.

Conditioning comes from parents and the adults or others around the child. The child is born with a potential in seed form. The conditions, though, are not so much the geographical areas but the people, the luminous beings, who surround the child. Each person has an attention field. Their attention field is the sum total of their awareness and their imprinting. There is normally, in the life of each child, a dominant male and dominant female — usually the physical mother or father. It could be the adopted mother or father; it could be anyone. In other words, the male or female that the child has the most exposure to in the first four to six years of its life, particularly the first four, is the primary imprinter of the child. The imprinter of the child will condition the child.

In other words, nothing has to be said, nothing has to be explained. Just by being around the awareness field of the male or female imprinter, the child is imprinted. The child will also gain imprints, obviously, from others, and in later life — teachers, lovers, husbands, wives. We continue to imprint throughout our lives, but the critical imprinting, the deepest imprinting, occurs in the first four years. But the other imprinting that follows is also extremely significant. The first sexual experience, for example, is a significant imprinting. Everyone imprints all the time and is imprinted because our consciousness is never completely hardened, but it becomes more stratified as we grow older, as more and more imprints are taken. In mysticism, the first course of action is to do away with the imprinting. We have to take all the imprinting that’s occurred to us in this life and wash it. We have to make ourselves soft again and push it all aside. Then, we need to be re-imprinted, but in a different way. Imprinting is important. Without it, we don’t survive. The child needs to be imprinted. It seeks it, as a matter of fact. It’s essential. The child seeks to be imprinted because it has to have a way of dealing with the world, and those who imprint it obviously have managed to survive in this world. Imprinting is critical. If your parents were strong in one way and weak in another, you will be strong in the same way and weak in the same way. Even though you may detest the weakness that you saw in them, you will find that you will do exactly the same things in the same situation because they imprinted you. Not by choice. That is to say, they didn’t want to give you a weak imprint. They might have wanted the opposite, but they couldn’t help themselves. Perhaps they were imprinted in the same way. We are all carrying the imprints of our most ancient ancestors. Not simply in the genetic code, in the DNA within us, but in the imprints of attention that are passed on. There are also subtle imprints that occur in a society. A whole society imprints us; a language, a culture imprints us. 

Now, a child could have many, many imprinters in those first years. And of course, one is imprinted also in the following years, but the most serious imprinting occurs in those first years. So, let’s say a child was raised in a commune and it was exposed to six or seven different men or six or seven different women. Then they would all be the imprinters, and the imprinting that the child’s attention field took on would be the sum total of the different views. This is not better than having one imprinter, or worse. It depends on the individuals. A child is imprinted not by simply the teaching, not by saying, “Johnny, this is a good action, and this is a bad action”. Of course that’s an obvious imprinting. But attention is like soft, soft clay, a child’s attention field. And the attention fields of adults, in particular, are stratified. They are like hard clay and they have different shapes, if you could see them inwardly. So imagine that we have a young child, and the body is made of clay. It’s very soft. Let’s say we take one male and one female, and let’s say that the male’s shape is square and the female’s shape is round. And let’s say we take one, and we push them on each side of the child’s attention field. And let’ say that we push the round field of the woman on the left side of the child and the square field on the right side of the child. And we push them in, and push them and push them, and we let them hold there until the clay of the child hardens. Then we back them off, and now the child will be imprinted.

Television. Just living in a country is a vibratory imprint. All the collective attentions of all the people who live there imprint us. Everybodys thinking the same thing, desiring the same things. Even though we don’t have physical contact with people, if we are within a certain geographical area, or even on a specific planet or in a certain dimensional plane, we are imprinted.

We ourselves are free attention. You are not anyone or anything in particular. You are attention itself. You are awareness itself. You don’t have a particular form. You contain everything or everything is contained within you, or you are contained by all things. So the mystic, one who studies the ways of power, seeks to end the imprinting process because in imprinting we lose power, we lose attention.

We are formatted to do certain things. But obviously the people who imprinted us are not completely happy and they are not completely powerful. If you lived in a world of completely powerful enlightened beings, then obviously you would have a clean imprint. But we don’t. We live in a world filled with poverty, suffering, war and unhappiness and transitory joy. So naturally, we receive that imprint, and we have to fight our whole life against that imprinting.

But we need a new imprinting. We need the imprinting of enlightenment, of freedom. And that comes through our association with a higher being. So classically what occurs, is one meets a teacher, one who has knowledge. And that being will teach you how to overcome your old imprinting by changing your way of life and by teaching you the ways of power, how to store it, collect it, amplify it, how to stop losing it. By bringing enough power into your life, you will gradually erase or actually overcome your imprinting. And then the teacher will have a certain imprint, and each teacher imprints differently. They imprint according to their own characteristics.

Now still, even ultimately, to a certain extent, the imprint of the teacher is a limitation that you will finally have to overcome in your final stages of self- realization, of knowledge. You will go beyond the teacher’s imprint. But if you had a truly enlightened teacher, the dominant spiritual figure that you came into contact with personally or inwardly, then they will give you a correct imprint and that correct imprint will aid you in your self-discovery. In the last stages, you will overcome it. But it won’ be something that will hold you back. It will fall away naturally if it was a correct imprint.

If your parents, your physical parents, or whoever imprinted you were well balanced, if they were happy, if they had a good attitude about life, if they didn’t try and hold on to you, to wrap you up, to make you feel guilty and all those things that most parents do, then they did you a favor. Their imprint is not necessarily bad. It has to be transcended if you want to go into the other worlds of attention, if you want to be free. Because even at its best, it’s still a limited description of the world, unless they themselves were mystics of a high order.

Then even the best human imprint is still a human imprint, and it has to be gone beyond. And it requires power to do this. Power will take us beyond the gravity field of the imprint. So it’s necessary, then, to do systems analysis of your life to look at where you gain power, where you lose power, and to do the things that empower you and avoid the things that drain you. And then it’s necessary to seek out one who can re-imprint you.


Now, the re-imprinting process is really fascinating. First of all, I’m making it sound a bit like you don’t have to do the work, and that’s not true at all. Because in order to draw a teacher, that is to say, one who will imprint you properly, you have to store quite a bit of power by leading a certain type of life, let’s say. Now once you have drawn such a teacher, it’s another matter to be in the right state of attention for them to properly imprint you. Oh, imprint you they will. But as to how well that imprint will take, well, it depends a lot upon how much you have erased your original imprint.